Home Wild Birds

Wild Birds

Wild birds in your garden and around town? Well here you can discover more! With a look at a different wild bird each month, we’ll cover tips on how to attract them, how to feed them and even how to best spot them!

From bluetits to greenfinches, we’ll look to cover all sorts of wild garden birds to help you spot them, feed them and more!

British Coastal Birds

The vast array of coastal birds around Britain are fascinating to watch. While many of us may not be able to make it to the beaches to spot...


Coal tits are one of the smallest birds in the British Isles, and are a much loved visitor to bird tables up and down the country. But how...

What is bird ringing?

If you’re a keen bird watcher, you’ve probably heard people refer to bird ringing. The efforts of bird ringers are crucial to conservation. But what exactly is it?...

Bird Profile: Nuthatch

Identifiable by a plump potbelly, large beak, rusty orange underparts and dark blue wings, nuthatches are agile, busy birds that are a favourite amongst wildlife fanatics. But how...

British Finches – An Identification Guide

Some are regular garden visitors, and some are more secretive, woodland dwellers, but how many have you spotted? We're here to lend you a helping hand with identifying...

The Life Cycle of the Cuckoo

This fascinating parasitic bird was once thought to herald the start of spring with its distinctive ‘cuck-oo’ call, but species numbers have been declining over recent years -...

Starling Murmurations

As winter begins to take hold throughout the Northern Hemisphere, our native starlings are joined by thousands of visiting starlings from Eastern Europe and Russia, flying around 1,250...

The UK’s Birds of Prey

The British Isles is home to some truly magnificent wildlife, but some of the most remarkable of our native species are the birds of prey that can be...

Top 10 Facts About Goldcrests

The Goldcrest is the UK's smallest bird, but what it lacks in size it definitely makes up for with its striking appearance! Keep reading to learn some more...

Seven owls you can see in Britain

For many a keen birdwatcher, owls are fascinating creatures. Historically associated with witchcraft, or even as bad omens, they are nowadays more often associated with Harry Potter. But...


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