Best British eco friendly blogs

Vintage teacup repurposed as bird feeder

We all want to do our bit to help reduce climate change and be more environmentally friendly, but it can be hard to know how to make the greatest impact. Here we turn to some eco-savvy bloggers to help sort the green from the greenwash! For expert tips on everything from caring for wildlife to reducing waste and green consumerism, these guys have you covered…

My Home Farm

Home Farm covered in snow
Home Farm’s air source heat pump cuts the mustard even at -6C
Image: My Home Farm

If you have questions about air source heat pumps and other eco-friendly ways to heat your home, do take a look at Kirsten and Mars’ blog, My Home Farm. Not only do they document their experience with their own heat pump, they’ve also set up a Renewable Heating Hub page and YouTube channel featuring interviews with experts about all things heating related.

After giving up their corporate city careers, this couple moved to the countryside and, switching smart suits for wellies, are busy documenting their journey to a more sustainable lifestyle. Winner of the Sustainable Living Blog of The Year Award 2021, you know they must be getting something right.

Wild and Green

Person in kayak picking up rubbish
Take to the water with a kayak and spend an afternoon river litter picking.
Image: NeagoneFo/Shutterstock

Making your life greener is also about making your life wilder, says environmentalist, Sally of Wild and Green. Kayaking is her way of getting out there and exploring the wilderness we already have – take a read of her excellent post to discover why you should give it a try too. It’s a great way to get close to nature and do some river litter picking at the same time.

At Wild and Green you’ll find lots of inspiring and interesting content from a variety of voices. From how to make your van life greener to tips to help you green your household cleaning, there really is something for everyone. Looking for something to read? Check out Sally’s book review of The Brilliant Abyss by Helen Scales – “a feast of information about the deep sea” – it looks fascinating.

The Mum Diaries

Child holding up eco-friendly shampoo bar
Switching to eco-friendly soap avoids greenwashing
Image: The Mum Diaries

Do try to avoid buying supermarket kids’ party bags, says busy mum of three, Jaymee at The Mum Diaries. They’re packed with cheap plastic toys which break easily and which children rarely play with for long. Instead, why not take a look at her list of eco-alternatives? From seed bombs kids can plant through to homemade crayons, she shares plenty of great ideas that kids will love.

Join Jaymee and her family as they try to make their lives more environmentally sustainable. Theirs is the struggle we all face, but it’s easier when there are generous folk who’re happy to share what they learn as they go. Do check out Jaymee’s eco progress report from 2020. You’ll find lots of helpful tips to make your own green journey that little bit easier.

Moral Fibres

Homemade weed killer from Moral Fibres
Wendy’s homemade weed killer avoids chemical nasties but still gets the job done
Image: Moral Fibres

Weed killer is one of those things that makes me feel a bit uneasy,” says Wendy at sustainable living blog, Moral Fibres. Full of nasty chemicals, it’s bad for bees and pollinators and is increasingly believed to be bad for humans too. That’s why she came up with her own eco-friendly solution – an effective weed killer made from just three common household ingredients.

Moral Fibres is a blog that aims to make sustainability “hip, not hippie” and with sections on everything from sustainable fashion to family and food and drink there’s something for everyone. Do you love the outdoors? You’ll love Wendy’s fantastic article on sustainable camping. Her mantra is borrow before you buy, and if you can’t borrow a tent, rent one.


Child standing in a field in a cloth nappy
Travelling with cloth nappies? Take a massive wet bag with you
Image: Mamalina

For mum, Emma Ross, at Mamalina, slow fashion means buying preloved and vintage clothes and shopping at independent retailers. Join her as she passes on her top 10 tips for buying second hand clothes. She says: “Don’t set off knowing what you want to buy,” adding that “if you’re set on a black dress, you’ll be disappointed” – it’s better to keep an open mind.

As well as maintaining a sustainable wardrobe, Emma says her focus is on “living and parenting slowly and sustainably with a big dose of yoga, cooking, travel, and much more.” Going somewhere? If you have little ones in tow, do take a look at her great article on travelling with cloth nappies.

Emma Reed

Family portrait in a field
‘Eco-friendly living is achievable’ says mum, writer and blogger Emma Reed
Image: Emma Reed

Did you know you can now recycle foil balloons? While you might not often have cause to do so, it’s definitely a great idea to take a look at blogger Emma Reeds excellent post ‘Where to recycle items in the UK’. Here she goes way beyond the obvious to bring you useful info on recycling everything from cosmetics to blister packs.

Author, blogger, freelance writer and mum of two, Emma says, “living more eco-friendly shouldn’t be hard; it is achievable and simple to fit in with your lifestyle.” Looking for some eco-friendly gifts to give this Christmas? Emma offers some thoughtful and imaginative ideas.

Just Eilidh

Eco-friendly bathroom swaps
Swap out disposable bathroom essentials for reusable, eco-friendly products
Image: Shutterstock

When it comes to single use plastics, the bathroom is one of the worst culprits, says blogger Eilidh of Just Eilidh. If you’d like to make bath time more eco conscious, she suggests some hygiene and beauty product swaps – like switching your shampoo bottle for a bar, swapping your disposable razor for a safety razor, and substituting wet wipes for reusables.

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle needn’t be expensive, says Eilidh. Arguing that going green costs you less in the long run, she offers plenty of ways to save while reducing your environmental impact. Why not make a start now by signing up to Eilidh’s free 6 week ‘Make The Change’ email course? It’s a great way to spend less while you do more for the planet.

Living Life Our Way

Closeup of reusable food carriers and bags
Blogger Katie believes small steps lead to big lifestyle changes
Image: @living_life.our_way

Living a zero-waste life is all about ‘precycling’ – thinking about what will happen to something after you no longer need it. In her honest and insightful post about her zero-waste journey, Katie talks about how small steps can help you change your mindset – the biggest hurdle to achieving lasting lifestyle change.

Living Life Our Way offers an excellent resource for anyone juggling the change needed to live a greener lifestyle with the needs of a neurodivergent family. Here you’ll find lots of great content which encompasses everything from looking at eco home improvements to Katie’s experience with homeschooling.

Pinks Charming

Cat sitting by eco-friendly pink cat bowl
Becky invested in plastic-free pet accessories for her new kitten
Image: @pinkscharming

Our family is always looking for easy ways to help the planet and our next mission is to save water,” says eco blogger Becky Pink of Pinks Charming. Find out how you can cut back on your water use and save money as you help the environment. Becky says one simple save is to switch shower heads for high power, low flow alternatives.

Becky began her blog in 2015 as a way of recording the funny side of family life, but it’s since evolved into “a green and ethical lifestyle blog full of simple ways to live a more sustainable life.” Pet cat? Check out Becky’s post about eco-friendly cat essentials.

Spin The Windrose

Homemade, plastic free Christmas cracker
With simple tweaks, you can have a greener, eco-savvy Christmas
Image: Daisy Daisy/Shutterstock

Would you like to make this festive season a plastic-free occasion? If so, you’ll love Abbi’s 20 Zero Waste Plastic Free Christmas Tips over at Spin The Windrose. From plastic-free Christmas crackers to Sellotape alternatives, she offers lots of ways to reduce or eliminate single use plastic from your Yuletide celebrations.

A born wanderer, Abbi’s travels have taken her all around the world. Now settled here in the UK, she offers lots of help and advice for anyone looking to make their own adventures as low impact as possible. If you’re intending to get away, do read Abbi’s 50 Sustainable Travel Tips for positive impact travel post-COVID before you go – she says, avoid cruises.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our run down of some of the best eco-friendly blogs online. With a little help from the wealth of information and advice available here, you have all the inspiration and know-how you need to continue your own journey towards a greener lifestyle.

Lead image: Shutterstock


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