Welcome to the Happy Beaks blog!


It’s been a busy time here at Happy Beaks! We’re a little over a month old, but we’ve already shipped thousands and thousands of products out to our brand new customers. We’ve loved every second of it, but most of all we’ve loved learning more about the community that inspired us to start in the first place!

Feeding wild and garden birds is a marvellous thing to do, and we feel fantastic that we’re doing our little bit to help. But we want to do more, so we’ve launched the Happy Beaks, bird feeding blog!

Here’s what you can expect…


The world of birds is ever changing. Just recently, it has been noticed that finches have actually evolved longer beaks in order to get at the bird food the UK is lovingly putting out for them. So we aim to keep you posted with the goings on of the garden bird world, and to give you guidance on how to get involved in the big bird-based events!

Wild Birds

Of course, it would be a bit odd if we didn’t dedicate a large chunk of our new blog to the stars of the show! That’s why each month we’ll be highlighting our “Bird of the Month”. Not only taking inspiration from our bird library, but also finding even more fun facts and key information, so if a bird round comes up at the local pub quiz, you’ll ace it!

Help and Advice

Nature is an ever growing intertwined web that we are constantly second guessing. Whenever we think we know all there is to know about something, nature springs something new on us. You only had to watch Blue Planet II to realise that! So we aim to give the bird loving community, simple tips and answers to much quandried questions!

Bird Feeding

There are many types of bird food out there, and it can get a bit confusing. So while we have already made a guide to bird food, here we’ll explain much, much more! How to make your own food, use leftovers as best you can and let you know what to look for in the food you put out for birds.


Who doesn’t love a giveaway! We’ve already ran a few on our Facebook page, and we’ll continue to do so, but expect even more on our blog!

In the meantime…

That’s just a small slice of what we are planning, but there is sure to be more. If you want to get involved in anyway, just drop us a message on social media. We’d love to hear from you!

Need a big bag of bird feeding information now and can’t wait for the blog to get started? Well why not check out our bird feeding hints and tips; a surefire way to keep you satiated!


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