The greatest garden wildlife blogs

Turning your garden into a haven for wildlife is easy when you know how. In fact, all it takes to encourage more songbirds, hedgehogs, frogs, newts and toads...

7 things to know about bird peanuts

Peanuts aren’t nuts, which is nuts! They are in fact legumes, and grow underground. If that doesn’t blow your mind, then perhaps we can enlighten you some...

Your Happy Beaks Garden November

“Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.” - Cyril Connolly Now we are well into the autumn, it's the perfect time for...


Arguably the UK's favourite garden bird, robins are the confident, red-breasted feathered friend that are definitely no stranger to bird feeders up and down the country. But how much...

Birds in Halloween Folklore

Birds have been part of the Halloween tradition for a long time — even before the demonic few from Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” in 1963! But why do...

How to Help Garden Wildlife in Autumn

The harsh cold weather can be tough for some British wildlife, many of our favourite garden visitors begin to prepare for their long sleep through the winter months....

How to protect wild birds from domestic pets

The melodious chirping of birds in our gardens is a source of joy and tranquillity. From the dazzling flash of a goldfinch to the elegant presence of a...

How to help garden birds when it’s cold

Brrr! Is it just us or is it starting to get cold outside? When it’s chilly, we wrap up warm, knock up the thermostat and put the kettle on...

8 Birds to Spot this Autumn

Autumn is a great time for birdwatchers. Several bird species migrate to the UK in time for winter, or pass through on their way to warmer climates. Curious...

Best bird and wildlife YouTube channels

What are the best YouTube channels for people who enjoy bird and nature watching? Here’s what we found – a wide variety of bird and wildlife videos, created by...

How to squirrel-proof your bird feeders

A bird feeder is a must in any garden, especially in winter months, when food sources for our feathered friends are scarce. But sometimes birds have uninvited dinner...

Your Happy Beaks Garden – September

'September days are here, with summer's best of weather and autumn's best of cheer.' - Helen Hunt Jackson Autumn is upon us, bringing with it a sigh of relief for...