To celebrate the fantastic work of wildlife-loving birders, Happy Beaks is catching up with those who share their amazing photographs and practical birdwatching tips with others. We recently interviewed April Mayne – the self-diagnosed Sprawkaholic also known as @thebirdsinthegarden. Here’s what she told us…
How did you first get interested in bird watching?

My name is April Mayne, I’m a 34-year-old amateur wildlife photographer from Essex. I’ve loved animals since I was small but developed a bigger passion for nature during the COVID lockdown era. Spending more time in my garden, I discovered bird watching and put up a few feeders.
I fell in love with every visitor – from the friendly robin who appeared when I shook a tub of mealworms, to the chaotic feeding frenzies of house sparrows and starlings, who decimated the food in minutes! I even spotted species I’d never seen before, like a jay or a sparrowhawk.
It spiralled from there and before I knew it, I’d bought a camera and was off exploring beyond the garden – capturing and learning about our resident and migrant feathered friends.
What are your favourite birds?

I love sparrowhawks – not the most welcomed garden visitor, but after some incredible encounters, I’ve fallen in love with these little raptors. Their amazing aerodynamics, cross little faces, and goofy stick legs are a solid yes from me.
Another favourite of mine is the dipper, an aquatic songbird. I think they’re really cool – their big chest muscles let them swim underwater, and they bob incessantly when out of the water. I find them fascinating! Since they don’t live in Essex, I travelled to the Peak District, where I loved watching them forage along sun-dappled streams.
I could go on forever, I mean, have you ever seen a hummingbird?! Not in the UK, of course. But I’ll end with my favourite winter visitor, the brent goose, which migrates from as far as Siberia to spend bleak winter months with us. I think they’re just divine little geese; they have the sweetest bubbling honks and are only about the size of a mallard! I spend lots of time at my local beach watching the winter flock follow the tide out, feasting on the mudflats.
What are your top tips for successful birding?

If you fancy giving birdwatching a try, my top tips would be:
- The early bird catches the worm: Dawn is my favourite time to go out. It’s generally quiet, making it the perfect time to hear birds start to sing and call. The first couple of hours are probably the best, as birds are busy sourcing food. In the very early part of dawn, you might even spot an owl, depending on where you are – though dusk is usually better for owls. I tend to avoid the middle of the day, especially in summer when birds are less active.
- Use your phone as a birding assistant: I use various apps on my phone to identify bird species and calls.
Do you have a favourite season for birdwatching?

Every season offers unique sights to look out for, and knowing what to expect can help you fully enjoy the best of the bird world.
Spring, especially May, is best for the dawn chorus – it’s magical to be surrounded by birdsong while out and about. It’s a great time to see birds collecting nesting materials, courting, and ferrying food for their young. Many species are active throughout the day, and we also welcome back summer visitors, offering a chance to see some unusual migratory birds.
Summer is when wading birds begin migrating, and young birds are abundant, making it a great time for raptors. During the height of summer, birds often feel more scarce as they seek shady, dense areas. By late summer, it can be even quieter as they start moulting to prepare for winter – whether that’s to replace worn feathers from a busy spring, to migrate, or to gear up for the colder months ahead.
Autumn is prime time for migration, with many species traveling thousands of miles to their wintering grounds. Birds, especially those on their first migration, can get blown off course, bringing some spectacular rarities our way! Uncommon species pop up all over the UK, making autumn a great time to spot birds that don’t typically breed in your area.
Winter is the perfect time to visit the coast for wintering waders, with some east coast spots hosting spectacular numbers of birds, you might catch a beautiful knot murmuration. Inland, you can spot stunning winter thrushes like redwing and fieldfare – sometimes even in your garden. Wetland habitats attract wintering ducks such as teal, shoveler, pintail, and wigeon. Areas with large starling populations can experience incredible murmurations before they head to roost. Plus, there’s always the excitement of wondering if it will be another waxwing winter, when these stunning birds are especially abundant!
How has birdwatching impacted your life?

Birdwatching is my happy place – a chance to let go of everything and focus on the moment. Picking up my camera to capture a bird or watching through my binoculars is actually quite exhilarating; you never know what you’ll see if you don’t look! I like the excitement of that, plus the satisfaction of capturing an in-focus image to share on Instagram – hopefully teaching others something about that bird. I also want to inspire people to learn and do the same.
It’s led me to so many other opportunities. I’ve been a campaigns volunteer for Essex Wildlife Trust for the last couple of years and have supported various other conservation charities and organisations – whether through social media collaborations or fieldwork courses. As a licensed bird ringer, I get to study birds up close, learning more than what’s visible in the field while actively contributing to bird conservation. I’ve made so many connections, both online and in person, so it’s been an all-round benefit – and to think it all started with feeding the birds in the garden…
We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about April Mayne – aka @thebirdsinthegarden. If you want to encourage more birds into your garden, read our helpful bird food guide before stocking up on specialist bird seed mixes to attract specific species.