Preparing Your Garden for Spring Wildlife
We're into a fresh new year, and as we start to look ahead to spring, now is the time to start preparing our gardens for returning wildlife. If...
How to attract more birds to your garden – tips from...
A combination of bird food, fresh water and shelter are a good way to encourage local birds to visit your garden. But if you’re looking for tried-and-tested advice...
How to squirrel-proof your bird feeders
A bird feeder is a must in any garden, especially in winter months, when food sources for our feathered friends are scarce. But sometimes birds have uninvited dinner...
How to attract woodpeckers to your garden
There are over 200 species of woodpecker worldwide, and in the British Isles we are lucky enough to have three of them resident with us; green woodpeckers, great...
7 things to know about bird peanuts
Peanuts aren’t nuts, which is nuts! They are in fact legumes, and grow underground. If that doesn’t blow your mind, then perhaps we can enlighten you some...
Why wild birds love sunflower hearts
Birds love to snack on sunflower seed hearts even more than we humans do. And for finches, blackbirds, starlings, thrushes, siskins and even robins, the high fat and...
Choosing the best bird feeder for your garden
There’s nothing better than relaxing in your favourite armchair with a cup of tea, watching through the window as birds flock to your garden to help themselves to...
Guide to window bird feeders
You don’t need a large garden to feed birds. With a stick-on window bird feeder you can enjoy watching them from the comfort of your own home. A...
6 things to know about garden bird suet
For many, garden bird suet is a regular purchase. It comes in many forms and is a staple of the bird feeding station, but like anything bird...
How to get started with garden bird feeding
Fancy getting in on the garden bird feeding action but don’t know where to start? Well, you’re probably not the only one. Even the most knowledgeable of ornithologists...